Thursday, August 15, 2013

So it's time to once again visit that wonderful room at the Avalon Theater in Easton - the Stoltz Listening Room.  What a beautiful space. And we had such a great time and a fantastic crowd last year. So how do you make that happen all over again?

Well - being who we are - Spontaneous Invention - our goal is to both embrace change and encourage it!  How?  New music - new musical connections - and maybe a few new stories. We look for what you might call - another entrance into Alice's rabbit hole... and just think of where it might take us!

Playing in a space like this is really different from playing in ... like... a restaurant. It's different for the audience too.  It's more personal - for everyone involved.

The other thing that is so wonderful and adds to the spontaneity is you all in the audience. You add so much - what exactly you will add - we never know until you get there!  So you help make us who we are.  Can't wait to see what happens next.  Hope to see you there.  Fri Aug 16 8PM  Dave

Saturday, January 19, 2013

So it's Winter. Nature is resting and preparing for it's Spring entrance. While I don't get to rest - I am preparing for the Spring... and the Summer... and the Fall.  I'm working on creating promo materials and contacting venues to bring you all some great music. If you have suggestions about where you'd like to see us play, let us know.  You all have powerful voices.  When you tell management what you like, tell them what and who you'd like to hear... they listen. So often places move to recorded music or 'canned' music.  That's one kind of experience. But if you want to experience the power of live music - let your favorite places know! So back to work. Oh, and I'll fit in some practicing along the way too. Dave

Captivating Conversation

Captivating Conversation